The First Noble Truth

Did you know that the first Noble Truth of the Buddha is that life is suffering? He said that life is suffering because we crave stuff. We crave food. We crave big houses. We crave cool cell phones. The key to eliminating suffering is to stop craving stuff – to stop craving everything. Once we are free of all attachments, only then can we be free from suffering and sorrow. I think Buddha got it right. Once we get rid of everything we care about in our lives, we will eliminate sorrow.

The pain that I experience as a result of separation from those that I love will disappear once I stop loving. The pain that I experience because I am hungry will disappear once I stop craving food. I’m going to spend some time trying to dig a little deeper into this philosophy. Even though I think that Buddha got it right, doesn’t mean I think it’s a great way to live your life. Giving and receiving love is one of the greatest gifts in life. I can’t imagine giving this up just to eliminate suffering. Of course, when you love someone or something, you are also inviting pain. That’s the deal. To experience life’s greatest pleasures, you must be willing to also experience life’s greatest pains – you must be willing to suffer.

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