
A collection of 39 posts

David Hume, Unraveling the Mysteries of Mind and Matter

The Oxford Clarendon Hume Edition Series, edited meticulously by David and Mary Norton, offers a critical exploration of one of David Hume's seminal works, A Treatise of Human Nature: Volume 1. This profound philosophical work is not only a cornerstone in understanding human psychology but also a crucial

The Global Consciousness Random Number Generator

The Global Consciousness Project (GCP) was born out of a desire to explore the uncharted territories of human consciousness and its interaction with the physical world, has become a focal point of my personal and professional journey.

Embracing Uncertainty: Lessons from Thinking in Bets

In the captivating book Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke, we're introduced to the idea that the uncertainty we face in life is not something to fear, but rather an opportunity to hone our decision-making skills.

When the Mind’s Eye Is Blind

Some people find it impossible to imagine a friend’s face or their own apartment—a phenomenon named aphantasia. Scientists are beginning to tease out the brain features underlying the condition.

Your Mind Isn’t Confined to Your Brain

You might wonder, at some point today, what’s going on in another person’s mind. You may compliment someone’s great mind, or say they are out of their mind. You may even try to expand or free your own mind.

The Mysterious Meaning of Déjà Vu

About two-thirds of people have experienced déjà vu in their lifetimes, but for something that's such a common experience, the phenomenon is still shrouded in mystery.

Why Americans don’t trust experts

How a society that is so good at creating knowledge can be so bad at applying it. Why don’t Americans trust the experts?