
A collection of 33 posts

Hellraiser: A Tale of Two Movies

I finally caught the new Hellraiser (2022) on Hulu. Okay, first off, let’s look at the the Cenobite leader. In the original, we had this iconic, terrifying, figure with a voice like gravel. But in the Hulu remake, they've switched gears, presenting the lead Cenobite as female.

Sauron's origins and evolution in The Silmarillion

To truly understand Sauron, we must venture back to the earliest days of Middle-earth, when the world was young, and the divine beings known as the Ainur shaped the lands and seas.

Being alive without a heart can be unsettling

Being on heart bypass is a serious and potentially life-threatening situation. It is usually only used as a temporary measure while the patient is awaiting a heart transplant or while the heart is being repaired surgically. During a heart bypass procedure, a machine called a cardiopulmonary bypass pump is used

Movie Night: Taps

Despite its star-studded cast, Taps is a relatively unknown film today, but it made quite an impression on me when I first saw it as a 10 year old. The movie tells the story of a group of cadets at a military academy who take over the school when they

Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel

Captain's log, Stardate 45047.2. The Enterprise is en route to the El-Adrel system. Its location is near the territory occupied by an enigmatic race known as The Children of Tama.

Do We All Get Severance?

Mark leads a team of office workers whose memories have been surgically divided between their work and personal lives. When a mysterious colleague appears outside of work, it begins a journey to discover the truth about their jobs.

From Gertie to Dylan

Drew Barrymore was born in 1975, so we were about the same age when I saw E.T. at the theatre. She grew up in West Hollywood until she moved to Sherman Oaks at seven. In her 2015 memoir, Wildflower, Drew says she talks "like a valley girl" because she grew up in Sherman Oaks.

I Shall Pass This Way Again

“When the big bang happened, all the atoms in the universe, they were all smashed together into one little dot that exploded outward. So my atoms and your atoms were certainly together then, and, who knows, probably smashed together several times in the last 13.7 billion years. So my