The Commodification of Intimacy
In the quiet corners of the digital age, a profound shift has taken place—a recalibration of intimacy, now distilled into the commodity of pixels and screens.
In the quiet corners of the digital age, a profound shift has taken place—a recalibration of intimacy, now distilled into the commodity of pixels and screens.
In the realm of luxury watches, few names resonate as distinctly as Cartier. Renowned for its rich history of crafting timepieces that combine elegance with innovation, Cartier has remained a beacon of sophistication in the horological world.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere, touching nearly every aspect of our lives. But for many, AI remains a mystery, a technology with mechanisms shrouded in what is often referred to as a "black box".
The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies has significantly impacted various sectors, revolutionizing the way businesses operate.
I've bought and built several miners, but none have been this easy. Plug it in, set it up, and let it run.
The coronavirus is helping to erode the hype around artificial intelligence; data scientists get the axe and some ‘old-fashioned’ solutions work better.
In the past few years, people across the world have spent more time on video chat programs like Zoom and FaceTime than ever before. These applications mimic in-person encounters by allowing users to see the people they are communicating with.
Long Covid, with its constellation of symptoms, is proving a challenging moving target for researchers trying to conduct large studies of the syndrome.
"I think a lot of people dismiss this kind of talk of superintelligence as science fiction because we’re stuck in this sort of carbon chauvinism idea that intelligence can only exist in biological organisms made of cells and carbon atoms." - Max Tegmark, Physicist
Data dashboards have been an important part of pandemic response and planning. What have their developers learnt about communicating science in a crisis?
After a nearly a year wait, I received my Morpher folding bicycle helmet last week (not bad by Indiegogo standards). It’s pretty cool and functions just like any other bicycle helmet with the exception that it folds in half to make it easier to transport. It fits into my
I received my Thync in the mail yesterday. The most sophisticated startup to take advantage of the latest craze of transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS). I was skeptical but even Johns Hopkins is using this as a therapeutic method for treating psychiatric disorders: Although tDCS is still an experimental form of